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Canon F1n With 28-85 Fd And 100 Us Navy And 50 1.4 Fd Lens, Nice

   This is the F1n body with a 50 1.4 Fd lens along with 28-85 F4 FD and a 100 2.8 US Navy lens. These are not collectible grade and have all been used so expect some scratches on the lens barrel, the optics are clean with no scratches, maybe a few specks of dust in the internal if you look closely but no effect on image quality. The body has a small ding on the top prism which I tried to show and also the right rear corner of the top plate has a ding but no effect on operation. The F1n was the 2nd version of F1 and is an all mechaincal shutter, built like a tank of all metal ...
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