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Krugener 9x12 Cm Folding Bed Plate Camera Withgoerz 135mm Lens +3 Plates In Wallet

   Here's a nice Antique and RARE, Dr. Krügener 9x12 cm Folding Bed Glass Plate Camera that comes with a wallet with three plate holders--- two of which have plates inside. It has a Goerz-Berlin Doppl Anastigmat Syntor 135mm Lens, f/6.8 lens in a Delta shutter. I believe it was made around the 1905--- but I'm not sure. And it has a very cool brass plate from (my guess) a long-gone camera shop in Copenhagen, Denmark. Functionally, the shutter works, although I don't know how accurate the speeds are.... But it does fire at different speeds. The lens looks fairly good, no broken ...
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