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Vintage Rollei Rolleiflex Baby Tlr Camera +schneider Lens, 4x4 Vesion 2.8f 3.5f

   Rollei's baby Rolleiflex TLR model was ultra popular during vintage film era. It is small yet cute and takes 4x4 super slide frame that is bigger than typical 35mm frame in slide projection without being much bigger in camera size. Due to lack of 127 film supply, Baby Rolleiflex price in the used market has been under valued compared to Rolleiflex 3.5F and 2.8F or even Rolleicord Vb. It is solid well made and will outlast all digital cameras made. Please see the real item photos posted. The item "Vintage Rollei Rolleiflex Baby TLR camera +Schneider lens, 4x4 vesion 2.8F 3.5F" is ...
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