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Vintage Camera Lenses Lot Of 5 + Samigon + Rokinon + Super Marexar + Rmc + Sunta

This vintage camera lenses lot includes five lenses from various brands, including Vivitar, Samigon, ROKINON, SUPER MAREXAR, RMC, and SUNTA The lenses have a screw mount and are compatible with Vivitar cameras. With a focal length of zoom, these lenses have a maximum aperture of 300 mm, 200 mm, and 46 mm, making them suitable for wide-angle, teleconverter, telephoto, standard, and enlargement photography. These lenses were manufactured in Japan in the 1980s and have both auto and manual focus capabilities. The lenses are compatible with front lens diameters ranging from 43 mm to 46 mm and ...
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