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Universal 35mm hand crank motion picture studio camera & tripod Pathe Newsreel camera. Universal Camera Pathé Newsreel camera.
This will give people more time to find the camera. Regular auctions are only good for 10 days and thats not dong justice to this camera or potential Pathé News collectors. In the 1920s Pathe News was present and filmed almost all major news events including the Hindenburg Disaster. Pathe was the preeminent news source for the world.
The camera has been scratch tested and the film shows no scratches on either the emulsion or the base sides. The sprocket holes show no signs of picking or damage from the pull down claws. A special feature on this camera is a dissolving shutter.
While shooting you swing this lever and within 5 feet the shutter automatically will close and your image will fade to black. You also can start with it closed and fade up. AND this makes it possible to do overlapping dissolves in camera.
Yes, you can do this in post but the look is unique when done while hand cranking the camera. Universals were very popular as field cameras and thus showed their use and abuse quickly. This camera was well loved and cared for by its owner. It has an exceptionally clean movement. Now, right on a hundred years later, I imagine this is the highest quality Universal camera left in private hands.
This makes lens changing simply a rotation of the turret. Its unusual that the side finder is still with the camera.
The black color is factory original and a great even quality overall, unusual for any Universal camera as they were most often highly used and abused. The engine turning is really high quality and marvelously has little damage. The serial numbers from the set of lenses date them from the early 1920s. Ive seen lots of early hand cranked cameras and I believe these lenses to be the ones that originally came with the camera.
Most often lenses were swapped out over time. This makes this camera fairly unique. AND its a Pathé Newsreel camera. This is a working 35 mm motion picture camera and will shoot today.
It will use today's film as film sprocket holes were standardized a few years before this camera was manufactured and the same standards have been in continuous use ever since. There was a gear missing from the gear train on the camera left side and I faithfully had that gear duplicated by a precision machinist/craftsman. A custom cut one of a kind gear costs a small fortune but I thought the wonderful condition of the rest of the camera warranted it and the camera was in need of being rescued. Now instead of being a prop it is back to being a shooter. I thought Id love to see this camera go back to work a hundred years after it went to work the for first time.
This item can be shipped to United States, Canada.
- Model: 3 lens turret
- Country/Region of Manufacture: United States
- Film Format: 35mm
- Brand: Universal