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Bolex H16 16mm Movie Camera Kern Paillard 16/25/75mm Lens Original Box

   This is the much sought after Bolex H16 16mm movie camera. It is in excellent shape. See the 5th photo and you will see that the viewfinder is marked H16-F 25. Do not be confused because the manual has a picture of the H8. The manual has instructions and pictures for both the H8 and H16. Ken Paillard YVAR (made in Switzerland) 16mm AR f/2.8-22, Front and rear lens caps. Ken Paillard YVAR (made in Switzerland) 75mm AR f/2.8-22, Front and rear lens caps (with original case and lens shade, shade has a very small dent in the front). Lytar (made in France) 25mm f/1.9-22, Front and rear lens...
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