The Vintage Canon FTB Camera & Lens, along with a Minolta 35mm camera and pedestals, boasts a classic black design and was manufactured in Japan. This product is perfect for vintage camera enthusiasts and collectors of retro movie and photography equipment. 1 Canon FTb QL Camera. 1 Canon 50mm 1:1.8 s. 1 Minolta 4509402 Lens MC W. Rokkor-Hg 1:2.8 f=35mm W/Caps & Case. 1 52mm Skylight 1-A HCE Adapter Minolta Lens fit. 1 Canon 200mm FD Lens 1:4 WCaps & Canon Case. 1 Automatic Tele Converter 3x-4 FL-FD VIvitar W/Caps & Case.
1 Automatic Tele Converter 2x-4 FL-FD Vivitar W/Caps ...